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Mount Vernon, WA



Our Mission

SWAN is a non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing and supporting women of achievement in Skagit County. SWAN annually celebrates and honors outstanding Skagit County women for their success and contributions to the community as business leaders, innovators, and visionaries. SWAN also provides scholarships each year for women to continue their mentoring legacy in the pursuit of excellence.

SWAN women of the year

The Women of the Year awards are designed to recognize and honor women who have made extraordinary, recognizable contributions within the communities we serve. Each year, through the Women of the Year program, SWAN provides the opportunity to recognize multiple award recipients in the categories of Professional Achievement, Mentorship of Women, Transformative Leadership, and Community Engagement.

Rising SWAN

Each year, through the Women of the Year program, SWAN provides the opportunity to recognize emerging leaders as Rising Swan award recipients.

SWAN Lifetime achievement

Each year, through the Women of the Year program, SWAN provides the opportunity to honor women who have dedicated their lives and careers to their professional achievements, mentorship of women, community engagement activities and transformative leadership endeavors with the SWAN Lifetime Achievement Award.